

What are the benefits of using theOHI1Scan?

• The OHI1Scan uses industry leading technology to provide you with a portable, quick and easy way to capture 3D scans.
• flexibility to scan patients wherever you go
• The OHI1Scan uses a cloud-based system, allowing you to connect and continue your work on your desktop.
• user-friendly interface and can be adapted into any office.

I know your company as The Orthotic Group, what’s OHI?

The Orthotic Group is part of a larger family, under the OHI umbrella.

OHI is the global leader in technologies and treatment options for treating conditions associated with the lower extremities. Through a growing family of brands, OHI continues to innovate and create global scale to provide a complete lower extremity solution.

The OHI1Scan is our 3D scanning technology solution which will be used across the various brands under the OHI umbrella.

How does the 3D scanner work?

Using cloud-based technology, OHI1Scan allows you to complete an order quickly & easily all on the iPad or your desktop. Start by creating the patient and scanning them with the iPad. Next, fill out the order form and attach the scans. Finally, review the information and send it through the application. Everything is done through the software and at any time you can start or continue your work from your desktop. With cloud-based technology, you get the freedom to decide which platform works best for you.

How much does it cost?

The only cost associated with using the OHI1Scan system is the cost of the hardware which includes an iPad and a Structure Sensor. Both are widely available and can be purchased on line.

A survey of our customers revealed that most clinics already own an iPad. The structure sensor can be bought through the vendor directly at store.structure.io/store.

Aside from that, there are no additional service charges associated with using OHI1Scan.

What is the structure sensor?

The structure sensor is the unit attached to the iPad used to capture the 3D images. The Structure Sensor can be purchased directly from the vendor by visiting store.structure.io/store

I have an older iPad, will it work?

Compatible with iPad (5th and 6th Generation), iPad Pro (9.7 inch, 10.5 inch, 12.9inch), iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad mini 4

Please check this page to see full list of compatible iPads and how to check your iPad model.

What’s Fusiform?

OHI has partnered with Fusiform to create the platform for our system. The OHi1Scan portal accessed through the Fusiform app has been customized to create an effortless process of scanning and submitting orders.

I already have a Gaitscan, why do I need this?

We’re glad you have the Gaitscan. Gaitscan is an amazing tool that provides you with your patients’ pressure mapping information.

The OHi1Scan will be a great addition to your set of tools. The portability and flexibility of scanning with the iPad allows you to capture scans wherever you go, quickly and easily. In addition, the OHI1Scan replaces the need for foam boxes and plaster as the 3D Scan rendition of the patient’s feet which is needed to meet insurance requirements in most Canadian jurisdictions.

Will the custom orthotics I receive through the OHI1Scan be different?

There are no compromises with the OHI1Scan, you will be able to select the same high-quality orthotics and customization you have come to expect.

How can I get Started?

To learn more and how you can get started today, contact us ohi1scan.support@ohi.net